Theresa and Timmy talk cycling, painting and pilgrimage.

Professor Brian Cox and wing commander Timmy!
Lorraine Kelly on the telly

My local MP and prime minister, Theresa May, came to hear all about my Camino de Santiago and the local connection to her constituency.

I told her the story how for 900 years the Hand of St James has been in the Thames Valley. First in Reading abbey, and now in at Peter’s church, Marlow.

I’m taking my photo of it to the tomb of St James in the Cathedral at Santiago de Compestela, to share with the Archbishop Julian Barrio Barrio.  Theresa kindly signed my pannier and pilgrim passport and gave me a hand written letter of encouragement to share with those I meet along the way.

We exchanged notes on cycling v walking the Camino. One TM loves to cycle, the other TM loves to walk….

Many thanks Theresa for your support and encouragement.

Professor Brian Cox and wing commander Timmy!
Lorraine Kelly on the telly
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